Open the MClimate mobile app and choose Control from the slide-out menu.
Click on the + sign in the upper right corner Choose Add a new Melissa.
Choose Melissa Climate Wi-Fi from the two options.
Your Melissa should glow in constant red or constant green in order to proceed with the installation process.
Enter your Wi-Fi password and click on the Connect button.
Then the device will start Configuring. It will take up to minute and a half. The step after that is Searching. Please wait.
Once the Configuring is successfully completed, you will see a list of located devices in case that you own more than one. Choose the desired Melissa.
Configuring can’t complete? Check the Wi-Fi requirements for Melissa and the settings of your router.
Here you will see a list of air conditions. Choose yours and click on it.
Please make sure your AC is off and click on the Send commands button.
Your AC should turn on with your command. Please click on the ✘ if it does not and on the ✓ when it does.
Congratulations! Your AC was found! Now you can click on Control your AC now and get the best of it.
See how to install Melissa in the video below:
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